Secrets To Understanding The Bible

Secrets To Bible Understanding

In spite of the Bible being the most popular and the world’s best-selling book, it has also been described as the world’s most misunderstood book. Today, we are going to share with you the secrets to Bible understanding. Many Bible readers find the Bible hard to understand. Some even give up trying, thinking it is too confusing. Possibly you have been one of those who have found the Bible difficult to comprehend. Perhaps you wish you knew how to better apply its timeless principles of great knowledge and use it to build a right relationship with its author, our Creator Yahweh. How can you become one of those who do understand what the Holy Scriptures say? Let’s look to the Bible itself for the answer. As always, we now ask Yahweh’s Holy Spirit to guide us and to give us wisdom in teaching you this vital topic. May you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear this true and faithful message.

Year after year millions of Bible copies are sold or given away. Although most ancient books have disappeared from memory, the Bible continues to be printed more than any other book and is available in more than 2,000 languages. The Bible has helped form the basis for society and has shaped the religious, economic and social outlook to many parts of the world in general. Yet as we’ve already said, the Bible is misunderstood by so many people around the world. Our Father in heaven Yahweh gave us a mind with which we could acquire and develop an abundance of useful knowledge. What we needed was a book containing information we could never discover alone—knowledge that must be divinely revealed! That is the information Yahweh has provided. That is precisely what the Bible is. It is a book of spiritual truth. But it also contains information about the material world. Yahweh’s unfolding of spiritual truths to real, physical human beings took place in real, physical settings and among actual, historical events. Indeed, the Bible have secrets that only the spiritually righteous can truly discern!

The Bible, then, provides us a great deal of spiritual, as well as physical, knowledge. It relates information on material matters such as the ordering of the physical world. It gives us information on the orderly functioning of human society. It addresses basic principles of success in occupational and financial matters. It imparts the ultimate guidelines on food nutrition and health. The Bible describes many types of personal relationships, including proper marriage between one man and one woman, or righteous marriage between one husband and one wife. It addresses principles of psychological and mental health. It provides rudimentary information that touches on the physical sciences. But it does not treat any of these areas very exhaustively, because Yahweh has given us the human ability to search out these matters ourselves. The Bible reveals ways to better grasp its message to mankind. Throughout its pages are principles that, when applied, can easily help our comprehension of the things going on around us. Let’s now explore the secrets to Bible understanding. The following are important keys that will open up your understanding of the Bible in easy ways you can comprehend.

Pray for understanding – Before you can even begin to study, ask Yahweh to guide and show you His will. Remember that it is the Creator who gives true understanding through His Word. You cannot gain it on your own (Psalm 1119:33-40; Proverbs 3:5-8; Jeremiah 9:23-24).

Keep an open mind – Be willing to admit when you are wrong and change, even if it means letting go of a long-held belief or tradition. If you can successfully apply this one principle, you will be far ahead in the search for spiritual truth (Acts 17:11; Isaiah 8:20).

Humbly seek instruction and correction – Approach the Bible with a teachable, humble attitude. The Word of Yahweh judges our innermost thoughts. It can show us who we really are. It can reveal every flaw in our character. So be ready to heed its correction (Jeremiah 10:23-24; Isaiah 66:1-2, 5; Romans 8:6-9; Matthew 5:48).

Accept the inspiration of all the Bible – The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of Yahweh. When studying, keep in mind that He inspired the words you are reading; Yahweh is directly speaking to you through them (2 Peter 1:21; Philippians 2:5; John 6:63).

Plan time for regular study – It’s easy to let everyday concerns interfere, so schedule study time and try to maintain it. Over time you will look forward to this daily experience (Ephesians 5:15-17).

Let the Bible interpret itself – If something seems confusing or even contradictory, let clear biblical passages shed light on those you find difficult to understand. The Holy Scripture do not contradict its words; they complement each other. Also, to properly understand a verse in the Bible, don’t force your personal point of view into it. Instead, use the context and other relevant Bible passages to find the correct meaning (2 Peter 1:20; John 10:35; 17:17; Isaiah 28:9-10).

Study topics – Concentrate, at various times, on one subject, doctrine or book of the Bible. Use a concordance or other study aid to put together all the biblical passages relevant to a subject you’re studying. This will allow you to see all that Yahweh has to say about a particular topic (2 Timothy 2:15). Feel free to look through the different biblical topics that we explore and discuss here in our ministry.

Read the whole Bible – Go through the Bible from cover to cover. By reading every section of the Bible, you give yourself a broad familiarity and perspective that will help you shed preconceived ideas about doctrinal subjects. Always remember that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of Yahweh, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Compare different translations – The Bible was written in ancient languages, and scholar sometimes differ on how certain verses should be translated today. A literal rendering is often preferred, but a thought-for-thought translation or paraphrase is sometimes better at capturing the intent of ancient figures of speech. We must also be aware that doctrinal bias can influence translation. Comparing Bible versions will inform us on disagreements in translation and help us to sort through such issues.

Use study aids properly – Many Bible study aids are quite helpful. They can provide valuable historical background or point you to other Bible passages that add clarity to what you are reading. Aids include concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, maps and commentaries. However, always keep in mind that such resources are not the Bible and can be wrong.

Seek guidance from Elohim’s Church – It is always best to seek help from qualified people in any field of study. Yahweh has commissioned His servants to guide people into a fuller understanding of His Word (Proverbs 11:14; Nehemiah 8:8; Acts 8:30-31; 18:26; Romans 10:14-15). If you have time, feel free to read through our Bible topics, or contact us if you’d like.

Take notes – Jot down notes and explanatory comments in your Bible, a notebook or computer. This will help you remember key ideas or related biblical passages. This can help you save time when looking for a particular section of Scripture.

Review and meditate – Take time to ponder what you have been learning. If something seems hard to understand, take some time to consider its meaning, using what you have already learned as the starting point. Reflect on what the Bible is saying and on how you can apply the verses in everyday life (psalm 1:1-3; 119:97-99; 139:17-18).

Obey Yahweh’s Word and prove it right – Put Yahweh’s Word to the test by practicing the things you are learning. Acknowledge how His ways bring positive change in your life. The best way to determine that Yahweh’s commands and teachings bring true peace and blessing is by living them (Psalm 111:10; 1 John 3:22; John 10:10; 8:31-32; Malachi 3:10).

Hold fast – Once you have proven something to be true, don’t allow yourself to be lightly convinced out of it. While new evidence may overturn your previous conclusion, this must be the product of serious study in Yahweh’s Word. And always beware, because false ministers and false prophets can lead you astray! Ask Heavenly Father Yahweh to help you remain true to His teachings (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 2 Timothy 3:13-15; Colossians 1:22-23; Psalm 119:10-16).

In closing, yes, there are secrets to Bible understanding. First, you have to “rightly divide” the Word of Yahweh in your study of the Bible. When the keys above are followed, the student of Bible will find the real truth of the Holy Scripture as revealed by the Spirit of truth. These biblical rules are not designed to justify various doctrinal positions of men—but only the truth of Yahweh and the genuine doctrines of the Bible. In addition to very carefully examining the historical context of a particular passage of Holy Scripture, pilgrims should refer to the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts in order to determine the precise meanings of key words. But one should never based doctrine solely on commentaries or other such “Bible helps.” Doctrine must never be based on traditions of men—regardless of how knowledgeable or authoritative such men may appear. Finally, we should all heed the apostle Peter’s warning about allowing personal ideas and interpretations to cloud the truth of the Bible: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture originated as anyone’s own private interpretation; because prophecy was not brought at any time by human will, but the holy men of Elohim spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21). We hope that you’re enlightened by this true and faithful heavenly Kingdom message. May the Almighty Father Yahweh bless you and keep you. May love, truth and peace be with you all. These things we humbly ask and pray in the name of our Master, Savior and King, Yahshua the Messiah, Amen. Halleluyah, Shalom!