Rules For Studying The Bible

Ultimate Rules For Bible Study

There are ultimate rules for Bible study as the Holy Scripture can be hard to understand if one is not so careful doing it. In order to understand the Bible, we must study it “line upon line and precept upon precept.” The prophet Isaiah writes: “Whom shall He (Yahweh) teach knowledge? And whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Those who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:9-10). That is exactly how we need to study the Bible. We must look at all relevant passages on any given biblical subject! And yes, Scripture tells us that Yahweh will give the understanding of the Bible only to those who are fully grounded in the basics of His Word! Today, we are going to share with you the vital spiritual keys to understanding the Word of Yahweh — the Bible. As always, we will let the Bible interpret itself. May you have the eyes to see and ears to hear for this true and faithful heavenly Kingdom message.

The New Testament confirms prophet Isaiah’s approach to understanding the Bible and establishing sound doctrine. The apostle Paul instructed Timothy: “Diligently study to show yourself approved unto Elohim, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing (precept upon precept, and line upon line) the Word of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Paul taught that spiritual truths can only be discerned and understood through the Spirit of Yahweh: “But Elohim has revealed them to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things — even the deep things of Elohim. For who among men understands the things of man except by the spirit of man which is in him? In the same way also, the things of Elohim no one understands except by the Spirit of Elohim. Now we  have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is of Elohim, so that we might know the things graciously given to us by Elohim; which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Holy Spirit in order to communicate spiritual things by spiritual means. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:10-14). Yes, the spirit of man cannot know the Spirit of Yahweh! Only those who have the Holy Spirit can have the wisdom to understand the Bible and the heavenly realm! Notice also what Paul has to say about the profound value of studying the Scriptures: “And that from a child you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Messiah Yahshua. All Scripture is Yahweh-breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; so that the man of Elohim may be complete, fully equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

Furthermore, the Word of Yahweh is called the Word of truth — and it is the Spirit of truth that teaches us all things! Remember Yahshua Messiah said, “But when the Comforter comes, even the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in My name, that one shall teach you all things, and shall bring to your remembrance everything that I have told you” (John 14:26). Yes, this is a promise the Savior of mankind Yahshua Messiah gave! The Bible makes it clear that the Word of truth works together with the Spirit of truth to give understanding to those who love Yahweh and seek His will. It is not possible for the carnal mind — which is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9) — to come to the real knowledge of the truth of Yahweh! In fact, the carnal, unconverted mind is naturally hostile toward Yahweh and is not willing to be subject to Yahweh’s laws (Romans 8:7). Regardless of how brilliant or how great one’s intellect may be, Yahweh’s Word is not understood by human wisdom or reasoning. Doctrine must never be based on traditions of men — regardless of how knowledgeable or authoritative such men may appear! Bible students should never base doctrine solely on commentaries or other such “Bible helps.” It is only through the Spirit of Yahweh that the Word of Yahweh can be truly understood! Therefore we should all heed the apostle Peter’s warning about allowing personal ideas and interpretations to cloud the real truth of the Bible: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture originated as anyone’s own private interpretation; because the prophecy was not brought at any time by human will, but the holy men of Elohim spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

The following are ultimate rules for Bible study for Bible students and those aspiring to become good Bible teachers/preachers or leaders in the Church:

  • Pray to Yahweh first before you read and study the Bible — humbly ask Yahweh’s Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to understand His Word.
  • Begin with Scriptures that are easy to understand.
  • Let the Bible interpret and prove the Bible – Don’t look for what you want to prove — look for what the Bible actually says.
  • Understand the context — the verses before and after, and the chapters before and after. Does your understanding of a particular verse harmonize with the rest of the Bible? Remember the Bible does not contradict itself; human does!
  • As much as possible, try to understand the original Hebrew or Aramaic. But never try to establish doctrine or teachings by using only Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Strong’s can be helpful at times, but is very limited.
  • Ask yourself these questions: What does the Scripture clearly say? What does the Scripture not say? To whom was the book written? Who wrote it? Who said it?
  • Understand the historical time frame in which the book was written.
  • Base your study on the scriptural knowledge you already have. What do you know up to this point in time?
  • Do not allow personal assumptions or preconceived ideas to influence your understanding and conclusions.
  • Do not form conclusions based on partial facts, insufficient information, or the opinions and speculations of others.
  • Opinions — regardless of how strongly you feel about them — don’t necessarily count. Scripture alone must be your standard and guide!
  • Close the study with a prayer to Yahweh and end your prayer in Yahshua Messiah’s name. Give glory to Yahweh and honor Him, and be thankful for His Word.

In closing, these rules are not designed to justify various doctrinal positions of men — but only the truth of Yahweh and the true doctrines of the Bible! It outlines how to “rightly divide”  the Word of Elohim — the Bible. When these rules are followed, the Bible students and/or religious leaders will find the truth of the Bible as revealed by the Spirit of truth. The primary key is continually remaining in a loving, faithful and obedient relationship with Yahweh. Yahshua said, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (John 14:15). Likewise, in the Psalms we find that those who truly and faithfully keep the Commandments of Yahweh will be given understanding: “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all those who do His Commandments” (Psalm 111:10). Yes, this is the very foundation to understanding the Word of Yahweh! We hope you’re blessed by this true and faithful heavenly message. May Yahweh always bless all those people who are obedient to Him and received Yahshua Messiah as their personal Savior. May the love, truth, peace, mercy and grace of our Father in heaven Yahweh be with you all. These things we humbly ask and pray in the name of the coming Master, Savior and King Yahshua, Amen. Halleluyah, Shalom!