The Fate of Nations and Peoples Fighting Against Israel

The fate of nations and peoples fighting against Israel is very seldom discussed in public squares, let alone in religious circles. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the book of Zechariah in the Bible. Specifically, we’ll be looking at chapter 14 verse 12 which speaks of a plague that Yahweh will send to all the nations that fought against Israel.

First, let’s provide some context. Zechariah was a prophet who delivered Yahweh’s messages to the Israelites during their time of restoration and rebuilding. The book is divided into two parts, the first addressing the rebuilding of the temple under the leadership of the governor Zerubbabel, and the second addressing the restoration of the nation under the high priest Joshua.

Now, let’s examine Zechariah 14:12 in more detail. The verse says, This is the plague with which Almighty Yahweh in heaven will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: “Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.”

This is a dark and ominous verse that speaks to the destruction of those who have come against Israel. It’s important to note that this plague is not intended for the Israelites but for their enemies. The verse is clear in stating that it is the nations that fought against Jerusalem that will be struck with this plague.

The language used in this verse is strikingly vivid. The image of flesh rotting off while still standing is gruesome, while a similar fate befalls the eyes and tongues of those who have come against Israel. These words paint a picture of utter devastation.

What is the significance of this plague? First, it demonstrates the severity of Yahweh’s judgement on those who oppose His chosen people. Israel is a nation that Almighty Yahweh promised to protect and bless, and all those who fight against His plans will face the ultimate consequences.

Secondly, it shows a consistency in the Bible’s message that those who oppose the Father in heaven Yahweh will ultimately face destruction. From the plagues in Egypt to the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible is full of examples of Yahweh’s wrath being poured out on those who reject His authority.

Thirdly, it offers comfort to those who have stood with Israel. The verse implies that even in the midst of turmoil and conflict, Yahweh is on the side of the Israelites and will go to great lengths to defend them.

However, it’s important to approach these verses with caution and sensitivity. They can be easily misinterpreted and can feed into harmful and dangerous beliefs regarding religious conflict and the superiority of one group over another. It’s crucial to remember that zealous nationalism has no place in the message of love and compassion that Yahshua embodied, and that the Bible teaches.

And yet, another passage that speaks to the severity of Yahweh’s judgement can be found in the book of Revelation, specifically in chapter 6 verses 16-17. These verses describe the moment when the wicked cry out to the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of Yahweh and the Lamb.

In summary, Zechariah 14:12 is a powerful and sobering verse that speaks of Yahweh’s judgement on those who oppose Israel. It underscores the importance of standing with the heavenly Father and His people, as well as the seriousness of rejecting His authority.

Meanwhile, Revelation is a highly symbolic and apocalyptic book that foretells the end of the age and the coming of the Savior of humanity, Yahshua. The imagery used in this passage is intense and vivid, reflecting the immense weight of Yahweh’s judgement. The wicked recognize the awesomeness of Yahweh, and the power of His wrath is too great to bear. They try to hide themselves from His righteous anger, but there is no escape.

This passage also speaks to the universality of Yahweh’s judgement. It’s not just specific individuals or groups of people who will face Yahweh’s wrath, but rather all those who have rejected Him and His ways. The great day of Yahweh’s wrath has come, and there is no one who can withstand it.

It’s worth noting that even amidst this imagery of Yahweh’s judgement and wrath, the Lamb is mentioned. The Lamb, of course, is a symbol of Yahshua who was sacrificed for the sins of the world. Even in the midst of judgement, there is still hope and redemption available through Messiah, Yahshua.

So yes, it’s important for us to approach these verses with a balance of respect and reverence for Yahweh’s power and judgement, as well as a reliance on His mercy and grace through Yahshua. May we always seek to understand Yahweh’s word in its fullness and be guided by it in our lives.


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