Laws, Statutes And Judgments In Bible
Laws, statutes and judgments in Bible, what are they? These are relevant and timely questions that only the Bible itself can correctly and righteously answer for all of us. We don’t need any of the man-made interpretations, self-serving ideas, and biased opinions on these important, spiritual subjects. We will share with you about the laws, statutes and judgments as described in Scripture. As always, we will let the Bible interpret itself and ask the Holy Spirit of Yahweh to grant us sound minds and honest hearts to discuss these matters with you. Let these truths set you free from the bondage of sin and deceptions of Satan the devil, and all of his modern lawless ministers and his false prophets! May you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear for this faithful and heavenly message.
When Elohim organized the people of Israel into a nation under the Sinai Covenant, through the human leadership of Moses, He authorized an administrative system that included not only priests but also judges to keep them on the path of righteousness (Deuteronomy 1:16-17). These judges were to perform their assigned duties according to the laws, statutes and judgments that Elohim would reveal to them, either directly (as with the Ten Commandments) or through His messengers.
Though a variety of terms are used in the Bible to describe Yahweh’s instructions to His people and their officials, they usually are summarized under the three broad categories of “statutes, judgments and laws” (Leviticus 26:46). These terms describe distinctions in the way Elohim’s instructions are viewed rather than their validity or importance. They all represent His will. All of them were to be respected and followed.
The Hebrew word translated “Law” is Torah. When used with the definite article (The Law), it refers either to law in general or to some specific aspect of law. It often refers to the entire body of law that Yahweh gave to the people of Israel.
Torah also carries the broader meaning of “teachings,” especially when used without the definite article. Sometimes, when used so broadly, the word even appears to imply the entire body of revealed instruction contained in the Old Testament scriptures.
The word “statutes” refers to a specific type of laws. As the English translation of the Hebrew words choq or chuqqah, the word “statute” refers to an authoritative enactment, decree, or ordinance.
Biblical statutes may set appointed times, such as sacred festivals, define important customs and even establish the manner or procedure by which certain vital matters are to be handled. Because they reveal Yahweh’s thinking and reflect His priorities, they are crucially instructive as divine guidelines for righteous behavior.
“Judgments” are decisions handed down by judges to explain, broaden or narrow the application of existing law. To ensure that human judges would have meaningful guidelines and precedents to follow in exercising their judicial responsibilities, Yahweh provides examples of how He judges in the Scripture.
Elohim’s judgments illustrate how righteous decisions should be made according to the principles revealed in His laws and statutes. He instructs all judges who are responsible for making judgments not specifically covered in the Torah: “In controversy they shall stand as judges, and judge it according to My judgments. They shall keep My laws and My statutes…” (Ezekiel 44:24).
Yahweh also tells them: “You shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty. In righteousness you shall judge your neighbor” (Leviticus 19:15).
Taken together, Yahweh’s laws, statutes and judgments lay the foundation for a righteous society and the administrative procedures needed to govern it. They all contain principles that are applicable to all peoples and are broad enough to be adapted to new situations.
In closing, the laws, statutes and judgments in Bible are to be respected and observed. With the exception of the sacrifices mentioned in Hebrews 9 and ritual circumcision, the laws, statutes and judgments are still need to be followed by all, even by the Supreme Court of the United States who made major unrighteous decisions in the past. Click here to read them. Feel free to tweet and share this article with others if you want to remind the U.S. Supreme Court to make the righteous decisions from this point forward. May Yahweh keep and protect those who are not hearers only but doers of His Word, the Bible. May Yahweh bless Israel and peace to Jerusalem. We pray all these to Yahweh through His Son Yahshua the Messiah, the Master and King, amen. Halleluyah, Shalom!
Very good article and I like the way you explained each of the three categories. Many feel that only the moral law should be followed today since the majority of people are not Jews, but Gentiles.
I hope your faith brings you joy. Jesus said, “I came that you might have and enjoy life.”